Podiatrists are the experts at relieving and curing the misery of having painful foot corns. Cure Foot Corns are part of Compleet Feet Podiatry. Independent accredited clinics, who have been established since 2007.
Our team of podiatrists includes some of the most skilled and experienced professionals in the industry. Each podiatrist brings a unique set of expertise to patients. All corns present a challenge, but we have the cure.
There are many ways to relief and cure a painful corn:
A corn is compacted hard skin, hyperkeratosis which forms a dense conical core deep into the skin's epidermis. It is the skin's over the top psychological response to stress. They can be painful and troublesome. How can something so small be so painful? Painful on any pressure, painful in shoes, painful to walk on.
Understanding how and why we can get a corn, is to understand how we can stop them. Unfortunately, most individuals have been tolerating, suffering with their corns for a long time, and they can actually get worse and debilitating. In some cases repeated treatments can actually over time make the corns worse.
Quick fix, quick to return!
Corns can develop on any part of the foot whereby the skin is subject to high peaks of repetitive stress commonly on pronounced anatomical sites e.g toes, plantar metatarsal joints, heel, anywhere subject to:
Poor fitting footwear, tight hosiery, gait issues, anatomical changes in foot shape, arthritis, boney prominences, impaired sensation, aging, fat pad atrophy.
Smoking can make corns more painful!
Microscopic examination of corn biopsies can occasionally reveal fibrous scar tissue, with nerve and capillary involvement. This replaces the cushioning subcutaneous fat to make the corn ultra painful to any pressure.
Intractable painful corns can be termed neurovascular. Temporary relief can be offered with podiatry enucleation using a scalpel. For long term relief an advanced treatment option can be offered by specialist podiatrists trained in more advanced corn removal techniques.
Yes, there are different types of foot corns:
Corns need to be differentiated from verrucas. Corns are generally found on pressure points, whilst verrucae can appear anywhere.
Corns can have different presentations.
Cure Foot Corns have 2 clinics in the Southeast which offer long term solutions for painful intractable corns:
A consultation is required to assess the painful corn, and on what will work for you. No one corn is the same.
"We love having complete cures for painful corns, to make patients comfortable!"
Open today | 09:00 – 17:00 |
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